Today’s AAA National Average $3.149

Price as of 2/12/25

Today’s AAA
National Average


Price as of

National Retail Prices
4.744 to 3.261
3.260 to 3.077
3.076 to 2.996
2.995 to 2.913
2.912 to 2.676

National average gas prices

Regular Mid-Grade Premium Diesel E85
Current Avg. $3.149 $3.626 $3.978 $3.666 $2.575
Yesterday Avg. $3.141 $3.609 $3.967 $3.658 $2.581
Week Ago Avg. $3.125 $3.597 $3.947 $3.667 $2.569
Month Ago Avg. $3.067 $3.542 $3.895 $3.557 $2.492
Year Ago Avg. $3.196 $3.633 $3.976 $4.004 $2.595

highest recorded average price

Price Date
Regular Unleaded $5.016 6/14/22
Diesel $5.816 6/19/22

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