Today’s AAA National Average $3.089

Price as of 3/10/25

Today’s AAA
National Average


Price as of

National Retail Prices
4.712 to 3.212
3.211 to 3.014
3.013 to 2.938
2.937 to 2.806
2.805 to 2.627

National average gas prices

Regular Mid-Grade Premium Diesel E85
Current Avg. $3.089 $3.558 $3.914 $3.625 $2.510
Yesterday Avg. $3.089 $3.563 $3.918 $3.635 $2.515
Week Ago Avg. $3.097 $3.566 $3.922 $3.652 $2.495
Month Ago Avg. $3.139 $3.600 $3.958 $3.653 $2.577
Year Ago Avg. $3.394 $3.840 $4.176 $4.047 $2.773

highest recorded average price

Price Date
Regular Unleaded $5.016 6/14/22
Diesel $5.816 6/19/22

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